To benefit from the reduced VAT rate of 4%, the disabled person must deliver the following documentation to the seller before purchasing:

  • Certificate issued by the competent ASL certifying the existence of a functional disability falling within the four accepted forms  (i.e., motor, visual, auditory or speech) and the permanent nature of the same;
  • Specific prescription issued by the specialist doctor of the ASL of belonging which shows the functional link between the  impairment and the technical aid or between the diagnosed pathology and the healing effects. Otherwise, the disabled person can  issue a self-certification (the company can provide the appropriate form to be filled in see note below);
  • ID;
  • Tax Code

Please note that the operators of T.S.C. srl are not doctors and the form represents a self-certification. The total responsibility for forwarded and / or incomplete declarations cannot be controlled by the operators themselves, therefore no responsibility is accepted.