Dolcenotte guarantees all its mattresses, bearing the trademark or commercial logo “Dolcenotte”, for 5 years from the date of delivery of the product.

Warranty periods are shown below, accordingly to the type of product:

  • Spring, latex and foam mattresses → 5 years
  • Pillow tops → 2 years
  • Block pillows → 5 years
  • Padded pillows → 2 years
  • Postural aids → 2 years
  • Wooden bedsteads → 2 years
  • Metal bedsteads → 2 years
  • Altri accessori → 2 years

“WARRANTY” means the restoration of conformity, without charge, by repairing or replacing the mattress, or its components in the  event of ascertained defects due to incorrect manufacturing that could occur during the aforementioned period.

The Warranty is for the benefit of the original purchaser of the product and is non-transferable.

After the warranty terms have elapsed or expired, all costs relating to the repair or replacement of the product are borne by the end user. Dolcenotte does not recognize any other types of warranty other than this one. Any extraordinary concession other than that  established in this warranty will be the only responsibility of the retailer or the person who granted this concession.

Dolcenotte declines all responsibility for any damage caused to people, things or animals resulting from failure to observe the  requirements indicated in this document.

Access to warranty service
The contact person for reporting and handling the claim is always the retailer from whom the purchase was made, appointed by  Dolcenotte to ascertain production defects; the methods of intervention will then be subsequently agreed between the retailer and the  manufacturer. Dolcenotte will activate the warranty only upon specific request by the retailer. The warranty is valid only if the  mattress is in perfect hygienic conditions. (Section Warranty Terms). The object of the complaint will be repaired/replaced free of  charge with the same item or, if out of production, with a similar one in force at the time of replacement, based on the current version  of the catalog. Any replacement or repair of the mattress or its components does not extend the duration of this warranty. If  replacement with a different item is requested, Dolcenotte reserves the right to request the relative price difference. All replaced products and components will become the property of Dolcenotte.

Warranty terms
This warranty is recognized upon presentation of a tax purchase document/invoice showing the date of purchase and the retailer’s business name.
The warranty is considered void in the following cases:

  • Compromised hygienic conditions of any kind, in particular, if the mattress is dirty with organic liquids (Legislative Decree 81/08 to protection of worker’s health);
  • Subjective dissatisfaction with the performance and/or characteristics of the product found at the time of purchase;
  • Errors at the act of the order;
  • Shipping or handling damage not notified at the time of delivery;
  • Modification to the product or part of it by third parties;
  • Improper use of the product or negligence and neglect of use and/or storage (section Useful tips);
  • Failure to comply with the instructions given in the Care and Maintenance section resulting in breakage of handles, deterioration  and damaging of the cover due to wrong wash, formation of mold and pilling.
  • Deterioration due to normal wear or damage caused by the user.

This warranty is intended as additional and not substitute for any other right enjoyed by the consumer/purchaser of the product.